Your alternative
Searching staff on your own - tedious and difficult with little prospect of success
You may venture out and undertake the process of searching and selecting eligible physicians on your own, but remember that a number of steps need to be completed until your candidates will actually start their job with you. You will have to:
- Identify potential candidates
- Contact the candidates
- Request application documents
- Check documents, possibly request missing documents and information
- Invite candidates
- Organize job interviews (including flight and accommodation)
- Conduct job interviews
- Verify licensure/ license to practice medicine
As you can see, this is an elaborate, time-consuming process. In addition to that, you have no guarantee that the candidate will complete the entire process. All your efforts will be in vain if only one step fails. That can be painful, especially after having invested a lot of time and money already.
Aside from the challenges you might expect to encounter in Germany, there is a number of obstacles to be expected in Eastern Europe, which may even have detrimental consequences:
- Candidates who meet your requirements are scarce.
- You are bombarded with unqualified applications.
- The documents you receive are far too vague and unclear.
- Organizing your candidate’s trip to the company turns out to be elaborate and costly.
- The candidate does not show up for the scheduled interview, even though you booked their flight for them and organized the trip.
- A few minutes into the interview, you discover that the applicant is completely ineligible.
- The candidate has “whitewashed” their application documents.
- The applicant does not have any qualification equal to German academic degrees.
- Due to formal issues, the license is not granted.
- In spite of having signed the contract, your candidate never comes to actually start their job with you.
It is very obvious that you will need to conquer many obstacles before winning a single physician to fill your vacancy.
In addition to that, you are most likely pressed for time. Jobs with high responsibility should never be filled with a candidate who was hired for lack of choice, because such a decision is prone to produce failure.